Hi,I'M Victoria

I'm a Physiotherapist and Kinesiologist based in Fremantle with over 16 years of experience. I focus on treating the person as a whole, cataloging all potential contributing factors and determining the root cause of your issue. I specialise in dry needling as I find it the most effective way at releasing trigger points, especially chronic ones. I combine this with spinal manipulations, exercises targeting muscle weaknesses and lifestyle modifications. About 10 years ago I began to feel something was missing, after noticing that when clients were going through a particularly stressful period they would have a prolonged recovery time. This prompted me to complete an Advanced Diploma in Functional Kinesiology. Since then I have been a practicing kinesiologist which has also informed my physiotherapy practice; widening the lense I see clients through and keeping me mindful of any emotional or mental components to their pain.
Dry Needling
Dry needling treatment can target deep, chronic trigger points to relieve pain and improve muscle function, aiding in your recovery and enhancing your performance.
Kinesiology helps in identifying imbalances in the body, working with your subconscious to discover the root cause of your issue and to restore optimal function.
Physiotherapy sessions are tailored to meet your individual needs, promoting overall well-being and addressing specific concerns.
Book an appointment
The purpose of physiotherapy is to assess, diagnose, treat and manage acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Physios are there to support you as you move through your journey back to full health. Whether that’s because of a recent injury or an ongoing issue, it’s pivotal to have the right guidance so you can return to all the activities you’ve been missing out on.
Physiotherapists treat many areas of the body and conditions including
Low back, mid back, neck pain or tension (chronic and acute, with or without referred leg or arm pain)
Tendinopathies and bursitis (including achilles tendinopathy, rotator cuff tendinopathies, hip/trochanteric bursitis)
Acute sporting injuries (including ankle sprains, muscle tears)
Post surgical rehabilitation
Treatment modalities used by physiotherapists include:
Dry needling to release trigger points, reducing pain, sensitisation and freeing up movement
Soft tissue mobilisation (massage)
Joint manipulation and mobilisation to increase flexibility and reduce pain and stiffness
Prescription of exercises and stretches to address weaknesses and maintain improvements in range and function
Muscle re-education to improve control and correct movement patterns
Dry needling is a method of targeting and deactivating myofascial trigger points that are often the source of pain, restriction and dysfunction in many people with chronic and acute pain. The process involves inserting a fine, solid needle into an active trigger point in the muscle, and eliciting a ‘twitch’ response, which is an involuntary reflex resulting in a localised contraction of the muscle being needled.
The effectiveness of dry needling in treating pain is built upon the widespread impact of myofascial trigger points. Myofascial trigger points are localised areas of taut, band-like hardness in muscles that are hypersensitive. They may develop anywhere in the body following sudden injury, muscle overload or in response to repetitive microtrauma or stress. They contribute to impaired range of movement, spontaneous pain, increased sensitivity to stretch and muscle inhibition.
So how does dry needling impact these trigger points? Several theories have been proposed and supported by clinical studies including:
The localised twitch response causes a reduction in the overactivation of the muscle fibres, and also alters the length and tension of the muscle fibres
It causes the release of chemicals which increase blood flow to the area, improving circulation (reduced circulation and oxygenation of the tissue is one of the features of trigger points)
It causes the release of opioids (pain inhibiting chemicals) and other neurotransmitters like serotonin and noradrenaline which inhibit pain
It stimulates sensory nerve fibres which can then inhibit or interrupt the signal from nerve fibers associated with pain perception.
It has also been shown to decrease the levels of inflammatory chemicals in muscle tissue.
If you have a chronic or recurrent issue, there is a very high likelihood that some of your pain is being mediated by these very persistent myofascial trigger points. The beauty of dry needling is in its ability to penetrate deep enough into the muscle tissue to isolate the culprit trigger point and create more lasting results. The results achieved will depend on how you are treating your body after your needling session. This is where working with your physiotherapist to remove other contributing factors can really help to decrease the likelihood of a relapse.
Kinesiology accesses your subconscious patterns of stress and tension to uncover the root of your physical issues. Through muscle monitoring, we are able to gain insight into not only where the root of the physical problem is, but also what has been causing or contributing to it on an emotional/mental level. It’s like taking a peak behind the curtain and seeing what’s going on in the deep parts of your unconscious mind, to then help guide you to what’s been driving your issue.
Kinesiology can treat many issues including
Musculoskeletal pain (especially when you’ve noticed it is impacted by stress, but we’re not always conscious of our level of tension on a global and local level)
Hormonal issues (including painful or missed periods, adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues)
Anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances
Gut issues (IBS, bloating, discomfort)
Any recurring patterns or mental blocks you’ve been dealing with (for example struggling to get yourself to exercise or change unhelpful patterns can be rooted in a subconscious fear that’s blocking you from taking action).
Once we’ve catalogued all the physical imbalances and the associated emotional and mental disturbances, we realign the energy in the body through various mechanisms including meridians, sound therapy and flower essences. The entire process is guided by your body, meaning each session is perfectly aligned to your current state and bringing you to the next level of health.
If you have any questions about Kinesiology and would like to know more, please get in touch.

Contact me
38 George St East Fremantle
(Behind Nourish Me Cafe)
Tues: 9am - 6pm
Friday: 9am - 6pm
0468 306 756